Petroleum Engineers (1985)
Petroleum Engineers (1985)
Record options
- Release Date: 1st January 1985
- Asset ID: 800555
- Synopsis: 1985 - A recruiting film designed to attract graduate engineers to join BP.
- Shotlist: 00:00:39 David Eyton 00:02:01 BP Shield 00:02:06 WS of a⦠with a young man coming into the picture in the FG taking a reading from one of his devices 00:02:11 CU of the engineer, in the BG a fire burning 00:02:16 CU of computer screen, the as camera zooms out in the FG appears a man 00:02:22 MCU of Karen Hudson BSC Bradford, Physics 00:02:26 MS Ferry, BSC Manchester, Civil Engineering 00:02:30 MCU Mark BSC Birmingham,. Chemical Engineering 00:02:35 David Ipon? BA Cambridge Civil Engineering 00:02:40 Photo montage of al five candidates in action 00:02:45 Title - Petroleum engineers 00:02:58 WS of apparatus used to locate oil and gas 00:03:04 An illustrated drawing of the different layers in the ground, CU of the lower boundaries 00:03:24 Illustration of the extracting of oils from the ground, the camera then moves away to show a WS of the illustrated drawing 00:03:37 WS of an area containing overgrown grass and what seems to be a (pylon?) in the BG 00:03:45 CU of the apparatus used in a exploration drilling 00:03:48 MS of a man handling the equipment to be used for the exploration drilling 00:03:58 MCU of Karen Hudson, MS of Karen on her desk. In the BG a work colleague approaches to her to hand her some paper work, then walks away. 00:04:12 CU of a drilling report, followed by a CU of Karen 00:04:19 2S of Karen and a colleague discussing wells, and a diagram is displayed illustrating what they are talking about. 00:04:36 MS of Karen at work, then answering a call to a logging job 00:04:42 MCU of person Karen is talking with on the phone, followed by a MS of Karen and then back to the person on the other end of the call 00:04:59 WS of Karen putting the phone down 00:05:00 WS of Karen leaving her office and walking to her car, and driving away to her destination 00:21:37 David Eyton full story
- Production Company: None
- Licensing Restrictions: None
- Viewing Restrictions: Public
- Format: Other
- Alternative Language Notes: None